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Testing page

This is a sandbox - a page for testing stuff.

Layout suggestions for YR exe info

Example: EMPulseClass (insert EMPulseClass description here)


AbstractClass → EMPulseClass

Class specifications

Property Value
GUID: {B825CB22-11D2-200E-6000-A99F58D49A08}
VT address (YR 1.001) 0x7E87A8
Size of members data (YR 1.001) 0x34 bytes
AbstractClass derivative:
ClassID 0x37

Member variables

Offset Type Name Description
0x0 ptr VirtualTable Pointer to the class' virtual table
0x4 ptr IRTTITypeInfo VTable Pointer to an extended virtual table (not sure what exactly it does)
0x8 ptr INoticeSink VTable Pointer to an extended virtual table (not sure what exactly it does)
0xC ptr INoticeSource VTable Pointer to an extended virtual table (not sure what exactly it does)
0x10 DWORD unknown
0x14 DWORD DerivationFlags Bit 0: set if Techno
Bit 1: set if Object
Bit 2: set if Foot
0x18 DWORD unknown
0x1C DWORD unknown
0x20 BYTE unknown
0x21 BYTE unused
0x22 WORD unused
0x24 short OriginCell_X X coordinate of the origin cell of the EMP
0x26 short OriginCell_Y Y coordinate of the origin cell of the EMP
0x28 int Spread Cell spreading radius of the EMP effect
0x2C int CreationTime Time point at which this EMPulse instance has been created
0x30 int Duration Time the EMP effect lasts

Virtual Table

Offset Return Type Name Arguments Description
0x0 HRESULT QueryInterface REFIID iid
void** ppvObject
"Returns a pointer to a specified interface on an object to which a client currently holds an interface pointer."
0x4 ULONG AddRef none MSDN:
"[...] increments the reference count for an interface on an object. It should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an interface on a given object."
0x8 ULONG Release none MSDN:
"Decrements the reference count for the calling interface on a object. If the reference count on the object falls to 0, the object is freed from memory."
0xC HRESULT GetGUID unknown Get this classe's GUID (the ones the Locomotor tags take).
0x10 bool IsDirty unknown (?)
0x14 HRESULT Load IStream* stream
AbstractClass* dst
Loads data from a stream (used for loading savegames).
0x18 HRESULT Save IStream* stream
AbstractClass* src
(3rd is unknown)
Saves data to a stream (used for saving games).
0x1C HRESULT GetMaxSize UINT* dest
Abstract* instance
Gets the maximum size of the member data.
*dest is set to GetSize()+sizeof(UINT).
*(dest+4) is set to 0.
0x20 none (DTOR) ~EMPulseClass none Frees memory and removes this instance from global arrays.
0x24 unknown unknown unknown
0x28 unknown unknown unknown
0x2C int GetDerivationID none Gets the AbstractClass derivation ID of this class.
Used to find out "what something is".
0x30 int GetSize none Gets the size of the member data.
0x34 unsigned long GetCRC unknown Calculates a CRC sum of this instance.
0x38 unknown unknown unknown
0x3C unknown unknown unknown
0x40 int GetArrayIndex none Gets the index of this class instance in the global array.
This will return 0 for abstract classes.
0x44 bool IsDead none Finds out whether this instance is dead.
This is only used for "living" objects with a health.
0x48 void Get3DCoords int32* dst_xyz Loads 3D coordinates into dst_xyz.
0x4C void Get3DCoords_var int32* dst_xyz Loads 3D coordinates into variables, then into dst_xyz.
This method is obsolete (use 0x48).
0x50 unknown unknown unknown
0x54 unknown unknown unknown
0x58 unknown unknown unknown
0x5C void AdvanceFrame none This is an updating routine, called every frame.

More Testing

0x98 double Deform
0xA0 double vs None
0xA8 double vs Flak
0xB0 double vs Plate
0xB8 double vs Light
0xC0 double vs Medium
0xC8 double vs Heavy
0xD0 double vs Wood
0xD8 double vs Steel
0xE0 double vs Concrete
0xD8 double vs Special_1
0xE0 double vs Special_2
0xF8 double ProneDamage
0x100 long DeformTreshold
0x104 vector<AnimType> AnimList
0x120 long InfDeath
0x124 float CellSpread
0x128 float CellInset
0x12C float PercentAtMax
0x130 bool CausesDelayKill
0x134 long DelayKillFrames
0x138 float DelayKillAtMax
0x13C float CombatLightSize
0x140 ParticleType* Particle
0x144 bool Wall
0x145 bool WallAbsoluteDestroyer
0x146 bool PenetratesBunker
0x147 bool Wood
0x148 bool Tiberium
0x149 bool  ???
0x14A bool Sparky
0x14B bool Sonic
0x14C bool Fire
0x14D bool Conventional
0x14E bool Rocker
0x14F bool DirectRocker
0x150 bool Bright
0x151 bool CLDisableRed
0x152 bool CLDisableGreen
0x153 bool CLDisableBlue
0x154 bool EMEffect
0x155 bool MindControl
0x156 bool Poison
0x157 bool IvanBomb
0x158 bool ElectricAssault
0x159 bool Parasite
0x15A bool Temporal
0x15B bool IsLocomotor
0x15C  ??? Locomotor
0x16C bool Airstrike
0x16D bool Psychedelic
0x16E bool BombDisarm
0x170 long Paralyzes
0x174 bool Culling
0x175 bool MakesDisguise
0x176 bool NukeMaker
0x177 bool Radiation
0x178 bool PsychicDamage
0x179 bool AffectsAllies
0x17A bool Bullets
0x17B bool Veinhole
0x17C long ShakeXlo
0x180 long ShakeXhi
0x184 long ShakeYlo
0x188 long ShakeYhi
0x18C vector<VoxelAnimType*> DebrisTypes
0x1A8 vector<long> DebrisMaximums
0x1C4 long MaxDebris
0x1C8 long MinDebris
0x1CC AnimType* InfDeathAnim
0x1D0 long ImmunityType
Vector Functions
0x0 void Delete(bool bMyselfAsWell)
0x4 bool CompareVector(vector V2)
0x8 bool PushBack(???)
0xC void Clear()
0x10 long FindElement(ptr Pointer)
0x14 long GetElementIndex(ptr Pointer)
0x18 T& GetElement(long Index)